Does My Child Need Sealants?

Does My Child Need Sealants?

How sealants from your dentist in Anderson, SC, protect your child’s smile

You’ve probably heard about sealants, and it’s only natural to wonder if your child needs them. The truth is dental sealants 0988019001540218814.jpgare one of the most important weapons against tooth decay. Sealants protect deep areas of your child’s teeth from bacteria and food debris that cause cavities. Dental sealants applied by dentist, Dr. Mark Hoyle, in Anderson, SC, can help provide your child with a lifetime of healthy smiles.

So, does your child need sealants? Yes, and the sooner the better. Did you know your child is at risk for tooth decay the minute the first tooth erupts? It’s true, which is why sealants should be applied before decay has a chance to start.

If your child is between the ages of 5 and 7, and the first permanent molars have erupted, the deep grooves on the top of the first molars should be sealed.

If your child is between the ages of 11 and 14, and the second permanent first molars have erupted, the deep grooves in the second molars should be sealed.

There are many important benefits dental sealants provide, including:

  • Painless treatment, because no anesthetic is needed
  • Inexpensive protection, because sealants cost far less than a filling
  • Quick results, because sealants require only a few minutes

Sealant treatment is also easy. First, etching gel is applied to create small pore-like openings in the tooth to hold the sealant. Then a dental cement is applied to create a bond between your tooth surface and the sealant. Finally, the sealant material is applied as a liquid and hardened into a protective coating with a curing light.

You can help protect your child’s smile by scheduling dental sealants today. Sealants provide inexpensive protection against tooth decay, protecting your child from painful, expensive tooth restoration later on.

Your child deserves a lifetime of beautiful, decay-free smiles, and sealants can help. To find out more about dental sealants and other preventive and restorative dental services, call your dentist, Dr. Mark Hoyle in Anderson, SC, today!

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